Greetings WiCoM members!
Blessed Samhain. I hope you all had a great year. As Fall rolls on, and Winter draws near, we
feel its breath beginning to chill our skin. We ignite our furnaces, the hearth fires of today, and
keep our kin warm. We pull in our final harvest and begin hunkering down for the cold months to come. Where traditionally this was a time of silence and a time to reflect, in today’s world we don’t stop. We don’t slow down and take that time to rest. We don’t have the long months of seclusion with our families. I encourage you to take time to slow down. Talk with family. Your spouse or SO, your children, your brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, cousins, anyone related to you. Bury hatchets and remember your roots. Connect. Live. Life is too short for bullshit. Be happy my people.
-The Green Man