Sometimes you hit a wall.
In a world of bigger-better-faster-more, at some point each one of us reaches a limit. We have to stop and breathe. Recharge.
Like a cell phone.
We’ve learned to think of ourselves as machines. Of course we can keep going. Of course we can always do more with less, go a little faster, do a little more. We must, or we’ll be seen as lazy. Why did you not make more things than you did last year? Why did you not make better things than you made last year? Why did you not make bigger things than you made last year? Are you losing your mojo?
No. Nature doesn’t work that way, and we are children of Nature. We live by the seasons. Sometimes our personal winter doesn’t align with the calendar, but we must take that time anyway, and go dormant. Drop our leaves. Let the sap sink back into the roots. Simply exist for a time, and let the inner magic work to renew us. And when we flower again, we remember that some years the tree bears more fruit, some years less. And when it bears too much, it breaks.
Go touch a tree today, if you can. And learn from it. It’s your cousin, your protector, and your teacher.
Blessed be.