Where’s the Fire?

There’s no snow this year, but it’s still time for warm sweaters, hot chocolate, and fire pits.

We’ve celebrated Imbolc, and we’re in that time of waiting for spring. Fire is our favorite element right now. We can engage with it through divination or meditation.

We all have a fire within that needs to burn bright and strong – the fire that lights the way for our best selves. The fire that we mean when we say “Let your light shine.” Sometimes life gets complicated and we don’t feed that fire. It burns low. We need to feed it.

We also have a fire within that burns through our boundaries and torches our good judgment. When it flares up, it can be hard to bring it under control. We need to refrain from feeding it.

Questions for seeking guidance through divination or meditation:

  • What lights me up? What is the guiding fire within me that I need to feed?
  • How do I need to feed my guiding fire?
  • How can I use my guiding fire to bring safety, warmth, and light into my life, and share it with others?
  • What is the fire within me that damages what it touches?
  • How can I stop feeding the fire that does not serve me well?

Every element has creative and destructive aspects, and sometimes it’s hard to stay in harmony with them. My own experience is that understanding the fires within has helped me to work more effectively with them.