Feast of the Strawberries celebrating Midsummer

Date: Saturday, June 22nd, 2019 Time: Gather at 6:30 pm, Ritual at 7:00 pm Space: Living Table UCC 3805 E 40th Street, Minneapolis 55406 Midsummer is the time to kick back, enjoy the warm weather and eat the first fruits of the earth. The…

The Turning of the Wheel

As my tenure as Green Man for WiCoM comes to the end, I look both backwards and forwards and wonder where the Pagan community is going. Our community has had its trials and lies shattered. There were no winners, we all lost. And I…

Even-side parking ban until April 1.

Minneapolis has instituted an even-side parking ban until April 1. Participants will Need to park on the Odd side of the Street…Minneapolis has instituted an even-side parking ban until April 1st. The address of the Church is 3805 E 40th Street, so please park…


[Originally from “Carmina Gadelica,” 1900, collected and edited by Alexander Carmichael. Adaptations made to account for Christian bias of the author’s time and for subsequent research. Original at https://archive.org/stream/carminagadelicah03carm#page/n215/mode/2up Adaptation at http://www.brigidsflame.com/brigidpoems.html ] The genealogy of the holy maiden Brigit, Radiant arrow of flame,…

Rebirth of the Light

I have lost track, is it three or four real snows that we have had so far this season?  Regardless, the message is clear.  It is that ‘Winger is coming’ but instead, Winter is here.  For many of us, there is a pang of…

Green Fire

The wheel turns and they cycle continues.  A new May Court has been chosen and the old one has retired.  Just like the cycle of the seasons of the year, this is at the same time a continuation of the old, as well as…

Slow down and reflect with family

Greetings WiCoM members! Blessed Samhain. I hope you all had a great year. As Fall rolls on, and Winter draws near, we feel its breath beginning to chill our skin. We ignite our furnaces, the hearth fires of today, and keep our kin warm….

The Time of Turning In

The wheel turns and we begin a new year in a glorious riot of color here in beautiful Minnesota. I have not seen colors this brilliant in many years, and have enjoyed being out in the sunshine and the cooler weather. I finally had…

What’s In Your Harvest?

Well… Midsummer came, the Holly King won, and now the days grow shorter. The Oak King slumbers, readying himself, for his time will come again. The wheel turns and now Lammas comes. Traditionally, the first harvest and fresh bread from a new crop of…

Midsummer Greetings

Greetings to you all at this incredibly busy time of the year! I don’t think there is anything more beautiful than our state in the spring.  The Mother has awakened and she is blessing us with her joyful abundance and beauty.  It seems EVERYTHING…