Imbolc – Lady Day Reflections

Enjoy this video from our May Queen.  She shares some thoughts on this Sabbat.

Greetings from your Green Man

Hello everyone,

I am the Green Man again, by the will of the Gods. I did not expect to even stand for the position. That said from the moment, I agreed to stand, the Green Man ( the God) let me know I would be selected. So I serve at his will and pleasure and shall endeavor to contribute to the Church in honor of that preferment.

So GREETINGS from your Green Man. It is my job to serve the office as his servant and yours for the next year. I have discussed the plans with our May Queen Annie, and we hope to make an active and interesting year. We are tentatively planning activities beyond the eight Sabbats which may include meals, events, classes and social events for the Church to have a life beyond the Sabbats.

Both Annie and I stand ready to be available to our members for to consult or support you in manners which we are able. It is our duty to bring issues before the Church if you are unwilling or unable to do that yourself. Please contact us with information found earlier in the contact

Our prime duty is to see that the Sabbats are performed. We have openings for those who would like to volunteer. We would like to have more people offering rituals and if you are uncertain we would be happy to help you accomplish a good ritual even if this is your first time for doing a large ritual

Specifically, as time is fast approaching we need someone to volunteer for Lughnasdh / Lammas. This is the Sabbat of first fruits where we thank the Gods for the Bounty of the Land. If you would like to perform this ritual, please contact one of us. We have a person who will perform the Midsummer ritual at Earth House Midsummer Gather where the May Queen and Greenman will be, but if someone would like to do one locally we would also like to hear from you. It is always a bit exciting starting a year. Wish us Luck Until tI have the pleasure to see you have a Happy Midsummer.

John Stitely