The light is changing! The robins and geese are back! Tulips and daylilies are sending their first leaves up! Early March: suddenly the days seem so much longer – and they are. We have a whole hour more sunlight each day than we did…
What do you do when someone you care about asks you to pray a prayer you don’t feel good about? Many of us have been in rituals where someone offered a prayer like one of these: What do you do? You care about this…
There’s no snow this year, but it’s still time for warm sweaters, hot chocolate, and fire pits. We’ve celebrated Imbolc, and we’re in that time of waiting for spring. Fire is our favorite element right now. We can engage with it through divination or…
The wheel turns. Lughnasad’s big, beautiful sunflowers have been picked over by the goldfinches, and now the squirrels have started biting them off and carrying them away. The plants are struggling to keep making flowers, but the wheel of the year keeps turning. Their…
…Beauty is before me. Beauty is around me, above and below me.” How have you honored the elements today? At one level, you’ve honored all the elements simply by being alive. You can bring it into focus with a thought of gratitude while you’re…
Simple, ordinary acts are magickal, if you do them with magickal intent. The sun’s still in Leo for a few more days and the sunflowers are blooming. It’s almost time for the state fair. It’s a good time for Sun-magic, to save a bit…
There was a ring around the sun the other day. Did you see it? When I was a child, my father taught me to look up often, and pay attention to the ever-changing sky. To notice what phase the Moon is in, which constellations…
There’s always a flip side. A friend made me a piece of magickal jewelry: a spiral of jewelry wire. Wear it one way, it spirals sunwise. Flip it over, it spirals widdershins. In our north-centric way of looking at things, east to south to…
Sometimes you hit a wall. In a world of bigger-better-faster-more, at some point each one of us reaches a limit. We have to stop and breathe. Recharge. Recharge. Like a cell phone. We’ve learned to think of ourselves as machines. Of course we can…
You can tie yourself into the energies of each day by dressing according to the color and planet (kabalistic) of each day. This is a subtle but real influence and after six months or more, you might notice your psychic abilities are stronger. I…